
The pg电子下载 State University Faculty Senate is a representative body of the university faculty. Besides the officiating members, the Faculty Senate consists of two representative faculty members from each department. Members may be elected at their respective departmental meetings. The Faculty Senate strives to be a voice for faculty and to represent faculty concerns to the administration. Senators are urged to discuss with their peers, find out their concerns, and bring those concerns to the Senate meeting, where the issues will receive a full hearing and discussion.

Faculty Senate meetings are scheduled on fourth Tuesday of each month from 12.30 – 2.00 pm during the Spring and Fall semesters. Elections for offices in the Senate are held every three years. Faculty members are welcome to attend all Senate meetings.

Faculty Senate Executive Board Members

Dr. Anant Singh, Senate-Chair
Dr. Melissa Mason, Senate Vice-Chair
Dr. Ira Sewell, Secretary
Dr. Muhammad Riaz, Parliamentarian
Dr. Byron G. Johnson, Ex-Officio

Contact Information

For questions or inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].